Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The story in my strands

Everything you need to know about my day can be told in the story of my hair. It may look like I’m innocently coloring a carrot, but if you look closely, you’ll see the chaotic strands of a child who was told she slept too late to eat breakfast at home, a child whose mother is bad at putting on tights and was (rightly) told as much, a child who would rather be wearing her dad’s flip flops right now than her weather appropriate winter shoes, a child who did not get to watch the Lion King’s wildebeest stampede in the car this morning because she (rightly) ran away from her mom in the parking garage, a child who was offered her least favorite meal of French toast (gag) when she arrived at school this morning.

This is my happy place.

These aren’t even the ponies I left the house wearing this morning. My mom set me up with two braids tied off with red ponies. It’s only 9:30, I’m on my second hairdo of the day, and it’s already a disaster.

Coffee, please.