If you're about to turn three, there are a few thing you should know.
Demand perfection.
If your parents ask if their silly decorations look "just like Belle's dress," don't be afraid to tell them, "Not quite." This is your special day, after all. |
Insist on costume changes.
You're not just one year old. You shouldn't wear just one outfit. |
Act like you've been there before.
Only babies stick their fingers in the icing before the final line of Happy Birthday has been sung and the candles have been blown out. |
Even though you have to invite other people to your party
AND act like you like them
AND act like you like them
Understand that it is really all about you.
Now, having checked everything off of my two year old to do list, I'm looking to the future. Before I turn four, I'd like to enroll in ballet, learn to write letters other than the one my name starts with, and find a way to either go to the park or play with play dough every day.
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