Wednesday, April 9, 2014

And THIS I'm supposed to appreciate?

Today was the parent appreciation breakfast at the learning center. Parents were offered full sized donuts, bagels, and coffee to enjoy while their sap kids ate donut holes. Although I was given a seat and a bite to eat and asked to wait for her, I followed my mom into the office with the parents' treats.

I knew I didn't have long before being escorted out of the small room. I grabbed anything I could. My mom swatted me away from a sprinkle donut. She took my hand out of the bowl of sugar packets. Luckily, she was not fast enough to keep me from pulling her coffee off of the buffet table and onto myself and the floor. Score one for The Bear!

I will ruin your shirt, your floor, and your mood.

I wasn't burned but I was pretty embarrassed that, after cleaning the floor and returning to our table, my mom told me that I would not be changed into a fresh shirt until after the meal because I was "going to get messier, anyway".

As if she hadn't embarrassed us both enough, my mom put a cherry on top of the whole morning by congratulating the wrong Amelia's dad on the arrival of a new daughter.

By 8:00, I was over it and pushing her out the door. Hopefully, I was fast enough and no one realized she was with me.

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