Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mommy and Me

Over the weekend, the learning center hosted a Mommy and Me Day. I guess the invite list was pretty exclusive because only Nia, Stupid Connor (SC) and I attended. Miss Erica helped us make a few crafts - good thing, too, because my mom and I are not the best with a glue stick. The petals we were supposed to stick to our construction paper were so delicious that I hid a few in my chair so that I could snack on them later.

As we infants shared some Cheerios and puffs, our moms' conversation turned to our recent school photos and the most amazing thing happened. SC's mom told the other moms that her baby has the biggest, goofiest head in the whole classroom. Because my mom is a lady at all times, she told SC's mom that SC has a very expressive face but I have a feeling that what she meant to say was, "Good luck, lady. Sloth, there, is going to be living at home with you until he's 45."

My school photo
Stupid Connor's school photo


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